понеділок, 6 лютого 2012 р.

Lundgren's Directing 17 August 2010 12:06 PM, Dolph Lundgren is planning to step behind the camera for his next movie project - the action man is hoping to direct a new film on the serious subject of human trafficking.The Swedish tough guy is enjoying a career revival with his role in Sylvester Stallone's summer blockbuster The Expendables.And Lundgren is hoping his time in the spotlight will help him get his own movie off the ground - he has written a script for a picture called Skin Trade and is hoping to direct and co-star in the feature.He tells the Hollywood Reporter, "I'm writing a couple of scripts. There's one I'm trying to finish up called Skin Trade; it's about human trafficking. Hopefully, I'll try to get a more famous actor as the lead, and I'd direct it and play the co-lead. Hopefully, I can get a bigger budget..."And Lundgren is also hoping to make the transition from action movies to period dramas: "I'm trying to do something in Sweden, about Sweden or set in Sweden. Maybe a period piece. I kind of think I belong in the past - onscreen, that is. I haven't done a period piece, and I think it will be fun."I think as a director, what is difficult if you do action movies is to make the transition to dramas. One way to do it, and guys more accomplished than me like (Mel) Gibson and (Kevin) Costner have done, is to do a period piece. You have enough guys getting killed, so it's easy enough to get financed, but you can make it upscale and a drama. They're usually about real events."Report a problemसिमीला r News ItemsSylvester StalloneRon Paul Has ‘No Idea How To Respond’ To Piers Morgan’s Sylvester Stallone Comparison(From Mediaite - TV. 4 February 2012, 10:16 AM, PST)NFL's Greatest Players: The 13 Best Football Stars in Movies(From NextMovie. 3 February 2012, 11:00 AM, PST)
Working on my character for my upcoming film "The Package" - shooting in वन्कोउवेर with Steve Austin.
SMALL APARTMENTS selected at the South by Southwest Film Festival from 5,243 submissions. Entertainment Weekly calls SMALL APARTMENTS "the most eclectic cast in many a moon."
Finally some updates on the US Blu-ray/DVD release of RED SCORPION by Synapse Films, already set to be the ultimate edition (and to complement the Arrow Video UK release)! Here is a breakdown of some of the features: - Synapse Films exclusive audio commentary with director Joseph Zito, moderated by Mondo Digital's Nathaniel Thompson - HATH NO FURY - DOLPH LUNDGREN AND THE ROAD TO RED SCORPION - Video Interview with Dolph Lundgren - ASSIGNMENT: AFRICA - An All-New Video Interview with Producer Jack Abramoff - SCORPION TALES - An All-New Video Interview with Special Make-Up Effects Creator Tom Savini - Original On-Set Behind-the-Scenes Video Footage - Animated Still Gallery - Extensive Liner Notes on the Making of RED SCORPION by Jérémie Damoiseau - All-new 2K transfer of the uncensored edition, containing additional footage not found in the original U.S. theatrical release - Digital restoration of film materials supervised by Synapse Films and Reliance Mediaworks (formerly Lowry Digital), exclusive to Synapse Films - All-new DTS-HD MA 5.1 Surround Mix, made specifically for the Synapse Films release - Digitally Remastered Original 2.0 Soundtrack.See मोरे News About Our Release of RED SCORPION! Synapse Films synapse-films।comWith all the news about the various upcoming international releases of RED SCORPION on Blu-ray (UK, France, Germany, etc।).
Arrow video’s presentation of 'Red Scorpion' is as great as always with new artwork for the cover along with a reverse cover from the orignal release. Two great little documentaries and a wealth of information in a well presented booklet all come in this wonderful blu-ray release. The blu-ray of the film itself is clear and sharp with only minimal graining in some darker moments and the audio is powerful and clear which make the explosions and gunfire even more enjoyable. Plus you get an introduction to film itself from the man, Dolph Lundgren. I’m just hoping that Arrow Video will be bring out more hidden gems from the action canon of the 80s soon." - Attack from Planet B Red Scorpion (1988) Attack From Planet B - Where B-Movies Come To Live & Die ... http://www.attackfromplanetb.com/Back when action heroes were more concerned about what was the best way to bring down an attack helicopter and less concerned about what was going to be the emotional affect on the bad guy’s family. When those stars playing such heroes where defined by their one-liners and not by their Oscar potenti...
Dolph Lundgren France le 3 novembre 1957 à Stockholm, Dolph Lundgren (de son vrai prénom Hans) suit les cours du prestigieux Royal Institute of Technology de sa ville natale où il obtient une maîtrise en chimie. Cadet d'une famille de quatre enfants, il se consacre à ses études. « J'ai passé tant de temps à potasser les livres que je devra...is avoir une tache d'encre indélébile au bout de mon nez » sourit-il. « À l'époque je voulais imiter mon père et m'engager dans une carrière d'ingénieur. Loin de moi toute pensée concernant le cinéma et le show business en général ». Grâce à une bourse, Dolph quitte son pays en 1977 afin de poursuivre ses études à l'Université d'État de Washington. Pour améliorer son quotidien d'étudiant étranger vivant aux États-Unis, il trouve un petit boulot de videur dans une boîte de nuit new-yorkaise, le Limelight Disco. Mais il ne demeure qu'un an aux États-Unis. Il revient ensuite en Suède et décroche son diplôme de l'Institut royal de technologie. Après son service militaire dans la marine, il suit les cours des universités de Sydney puis de Boston, aidé en cela par des bourses d'études (dont un programme Fulbright). Dolph parle plusieurs langues dont certaines couramment (anglais, allemand, français et japonais). A l'âge de 16 ans, Dolph Lundgren se tourne vers les arts martiaux. Après avoir essayé le judo, il s'engage dans la pratique du karaté, d'abord dans le style goju-ryu, puis dans un style plus puissant, axé sur le combat à frappes réelles, le kyokushin. Il commence la compétition de haut niveau en 1979, avant même d'être ceinture noire (qu'il obtiendra en 1981), et participe au 2nd Kyokushin World Open Tournament, où il figure parmi les 32 derniers compétiteurs (perdant contre le champion en titre après plusieurs prolongations) [1]. Il accumule ensuite les titres nationaux, gagnant notamment le British Open en 1980 et 1981, qui avait valeur à l'époque de championnat de niveau européen, puis l'Open d'Australie en 1982. Pour les besoins du film Pentathlon il s'entraîne avec l'équipe américaine de pentathlon moderne en 1993. C'est ce qui lui permet de participer aux Jeux d'Atlanta en 1996 en tant que capitaine de l'équipe américaine. C'est aussi avec Pentathlon qu'il crée sa propre société de production, « Thor Pictures ». Refusant les propositions des plus grands managers de boxe aux États-Unis, il pense encore se consacrer aux études lorsqu'il rencontre le professeur d'art dramatique Warren Robertson, disciple de Lee Strasberg, un des fondateurs de l'Actor's Studio. Il décide de devenir acteur et arrive sur le plateau de Dangereusement vôtre, le dernier James Bond avec Roger Moore, par l'intermédiaire de son flirt du moment, la chanteuse Grace Jones. Le réalisateur John Glen lui donnera le rôle d'un agent du KGB. Une participation modeste qui marque les débuts cinématographiques de Dolph. Des débuts qui auraient pu se faire avec Rambo 2 : La Mission vu qu'il avait aussi auditionné pour y jouer. Mais Stallone a préféré garder le robuste novice scandinave sous le coude pour jouer dans Rocky 4 et ce malgré les réticences des équipes de casting. Un choix judicieux puisqu'il interprète son rôle de manière magistrale ce qui lui permettra de devenir du jour au lendemain l'un des plus grands espoirs du cinéma d'action. Dolph Lundgren s'est marié à Stockholm en 1994 avec la styliste suédoise Anette Qviberg. Ensemble ils ont eu deux filles : Ida et Greta. Ils ont divorcé en mars 2011 Enfants Ida Sigrid Lundgren (29 avril 1996) Greta Eveline Lundgren (novembre 2001).

субота, 21 січня 2012 р.

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вівторок, 17 січня 2012 р.

Дольфа Лундгрена пограбували в Києві

Lundgren did not raise the noise. Photo from site tsn as the ua.During the visit of stellar dropping-Stallone, Stethema and Lundgrena-to Ukraine walletpast lost, in which there were approximately 3,000 dollars and bank cards. Audacious incident occurred at the Club, where the overseas guests celebrated the release of the film "And". "According to the actors of the match a lot of people, said one of the managers of the nightclub, all wanted to have a drink with Stallone. At night it turned out that one of the actors pulled purse. " Lundgren did not raise the noise, the actor has blocked cards, call the Bank and cash vìdškoduvali organizers. To finesse the incident, they had to lay out 3,000 dollars. The arrival of Hollywood stars overshadowed the bad organization of the visit to the hotel "Premier Palace". Artists do not immediately issued a card from the room: they had to wait in nekondicìonovanomu lobby about 20 minutes. Until Statham, Stallone and Lundgren were waiting for the keys of the room, their guards shared with each other details of the trip from the airport. No, well, how could the same song listen-oburûvalisâ ìmpozantnì men in suits, who was accompanied by actors. -All the way for putting the track number one. " By the way, sees prestigious guests went to have fun in the Lounge bar, even without entering the room. Specially for them, the restaurant is closed from visitors. In this way, the hotel wanted to atone for the delay of the keys.Recall that the presentation of the blockbuster "And" in the Ukrainian capital have personally visited the legendary Hollywood actors Sylvestre Stalonne, Mickey Rourke, Jason Statham and Dolph Lundgren.On August 7, was scheduled a press conference with the participation of international movie stars. The same day in the cinema "Ukraine" hosted the doprem'êrna demo movie. August 12, the film will be released in wide on big screen. Read the news ukranews.com the facebook social networks twitter and. Source: TSN ua, lifeshowbiz. ru Tags: Visit Kiev, Lundgren, Premiere, A Film , --> -->

неділя, 15 січня 2012 р.

Dolph Lundgren: Information from Answers.com

Dolph Lundgren: Information from Answers.कॉम

Сталлоне, Рурк і Лундгрен привезуть у Київ новий фільм

На презентацію бойовика "Нестримні" в українську столицю приїдуть легендарні голлівудські актори Сильвестр Сталлоне, Міккі Рурк, Джейсон Стетхем і Дольф Лундгрен.На 7 серпня запланована прес-конференція за участю світових кінозірок. У цей же день у кінотеатрі "Україна" відбудеться допрем’єрна демонстрація фільму. 12 серпня фільм вийде в широкий кінопрокат."Нестримні" ("The Expendables") - пригодницький бойовик, виконавцем головної ролі й режисером якого є легенда Голлівуда Сильвестр Сталлоне. У своєму новому фільмі він задіяв цілу плеяду зірок, серед яких Арнольд Шварценеггер, Брюс Уілліс, Міккі Рурк, Джейсон Лі, Дольф Лунгрен, Ерік Робертс, Джейсон Стетхем, Джет Лі й багато інших.Сюжет фільму: США посилає в Корзу, одну із країн Південної Америки, п'ять найманців для знищення місцевого диктатора. При цьому ніхто не піклується про те, що вони повинні вижити: їх посилають на неминучу загибель, використовуючи як гарматне м'ясо.Нагадаємо, у березні не менш легендарний актор Жан-Клод Ван Дамм розповів київським журналістам про фільм "Вежа", який він буде знімати в Україні. Актор сказав, що мета проекту - підняти український кінематограф на новий щабель.Бюджет стрічки буде становити орієнтовно 50-52 млн доларів. Зйомки пройдуть на двох континентах: почнуться на студії в Києві, потім знімальна група переїде в Лас-Вегас, після чого знову повернеться в Україну знімати заключну частину фільму.Крім того, недавно стало відомо, що Ван Дамм придбав собі квартиру в Києві.На презентацію бойовика "Нестримні" в українську столицю приїдуть легендарні голлівудські актори Сильвестр Сталлоне, Міккі Рурк, Джейсон Стетхем і Дольф Лундгрен.На 7 серпня запланована прес-конференція за участю світових кінозірок. У цей же день у кінотеатрі "Україна" відбудеться допрем’єрна демонстрація фільму. 12 серпня фільм вийде в широкий кінопрокат."Нестримні" ("The Expendables") - пригодницький бойовик, виконавцем головної ролі й режисером якого є легенда Голлівуда Сильвестр Сталлоне. У своєму новому фільмі він задіяв цілу плеяду зірок, серед яких Арнольд Шварценеггер, Брюс Уілліс, Міккі Рурк, Джейсон Лі, Дольф Лунгрен, Ерік Робертс, Джейсон Стетхем, Джет Лі й багато інших.Сюжет фільму: США посилає в Корзу, одну із країн Південної Америки, п'ять найманців для знищення місцевого диктатора. При цьому ніхто не піклується про те, що вони повинні вижити: їх посилають на неминучу загибель, використовуючи як гарматне м'ясо.Нагадаємо, у березні не менш легендарний актор Жан-Клод Ван Дамм розповів київським журналістам про фільм "Вежа", який він буде знімати в Україні. Актор сказав, що мета проекту - підняти український кінематограф на новий щабель.Бюджет стрічки буде становити орієнтовно 50-52 млн доларів. Зйомки пройдуть на двох континентах: почнуться на студії в Києві, потім знімальна група переїде в Лас-Вегас, після чого знову повернеться в Україну знімати заключну частину фільму.Крім того, недавно стало відомо, що Ван Дамм придбав собі квартиру в Києві.
Сталлоне побував на київському весіллі, а Лундгрена обікрали? ФОТО09.08.2010, 14:42Tablo IDЗаїжджій голлівудській трійці - Сильвестру Сталлоне, Дольфу Лундгрену та Джейсону Стетхему - буде що згадати після відвідин Києва। Так, попри фразу, сказану Сталлоне на прес-конференції, що зазвичай у нього немає часу на гуляння містом, актор таки побачив українську столицю.

The actor met in Ukraine By the way, near the monument Kiû, Cheek, Horivu and their sister Lybid often photographed the couple. And this time the first time paročkam and their guests more lucky, because they had a chance to get a photo with Stallone.
But the actor Dol′fa Lundgrena of Kiev will be not too pleasant memories. It turns out, while partying in one of the capital's night clubs in Dol′fa pulled the wallet of the thousands of dollars, and bank cards."According to the actors of the match a lot of people. All wanted to have a drink with Stallone, went on the Treasury. At night, it turned out that one of the actors pulled a wallet, "said one of the managers of the night.But Lundgren did not raise a fuss. Moreover, the cards of the handsome blocked in a bank. As for the cash, then its Dol′fu vìdškoduvali organizers arrived.And subsequently was involved in organizing the arrival of Hollywood stars party-goer Diveyev-tserkovnyi refuted the information about the theft."The information about stealing the wallet in Dol′fa-it's complete nonsense," saidBlìku it ""."I heard about it only today and was very surprised. No theft was not! If this happened, and I definitely know! "-said Alex.He also added that Stattlone, Lundgren and Statham remained pleased with the way they accept.For materials " Life Showbiz"

субота, 17 грудня 2011 р.


http://www.aintitcool.com/node/52302Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news. www.aintitcool.comHey folks, Harry here... that poster that made the rounds a couple weeks back, according to Lionsgate, that wasn't their poster and they don't know where it came from. But this here... this is the EXPENDABLES 2 poster that Lionsgate has come up with, and I have to say... it certainly makes an ...

The Expendables are back and this time it's personal... Watch the trailer for The Expendables 2, in theaters Summer 2012!

‎"Earlier this spring I did a role in Jonas Åkerlund's black comedy SMALL APARTM...ENTS, playing a hilarious self-help doctor who does his best to save the world from going insane. (First time since ROCKY IV my character didn't pick up a weapon...)"

           "Director Eduardo Rodriguez had an idea of me playing the bad guy in his psychological thriller STASH HOUSE, an intelligent, effective hit man with a brutal past, a loving wife and a conscience, all which get him in trouble. A young couple buys a new house without knowing that it's holding some dark secrets, drugs, money and a man imprisoned by the Cartels. I show up with a partner to finish the job. Eduardo's specialty is suspense and he would never leave a scene or location without having gotten all his ingenious shots. I have a feeling it will pay off."

Starring Matt Lucas, Billy Crystal, Johnny Knoxville, James Caan, Juno Temple, Peter Stormare, Amanda Plummer, Saffron Burrow
See more

‎"John Hyams had written a very interesting character for me in the 3D version of the "Universal Soldier" franchise, which lured me back from the dead for a second time. Sgt. Scott is the spiritual leader of a new order of government-manipulated soldiers who now are back in control of their minds and heading for world domination. Especially a 5-page sermon to the troops with a 'Marc Anthony/General Patton' feel was a real challenge to rehearse and shoot."
"It was great to get a chance to play opposite an academy award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. Cuba has an intensity as an actor which made me have to work for my money this time... I played a Russian hit man with a very colorful personality, who initially comes up against Cuba's character but later decides to join up with him against the reeeeally bad guys!"
/ Dolph


"Great to be together wi...
th the old gang again. Gunner Jensen has cleaned up his act a bit, now he's just an unpredictable drunk! I shot some cool action scenes at the studio with Sly, Terry and Randy , but next week things get really interesting when The Governator, Bruce Willis, Van Damme and Chuck Norris show up for some major ass-kicking."
/ Dolph

The Expendables are back and this time it's personal...

Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Lee Statham), Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren),Toll Road (Randy Couture) and Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) -- with newest members Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth) and Maggie (Yu Nan) aboard -- are reunited when Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) enlists the Expendables to take on a seemingly simple job. The task looks like an easy paycheck for Barney and his band of old-school mercenaries. But when things go wrong and one of their own is viciously killed, the Expendables are compelled to seek revenge in hostile territory where the odds are stacked against them. Hell-bent on payback, the crew cuts a swath of destruction through opposing forces, wreaking havoc and shutting down an unexpected threat in the nick of time -- six pounds of weapons-grade plutonium; enough to change the balance of power in the world. But that's nothing compared to the justice they serve against the villainous adversary who savagely murdered their brother.

‎"this Director’s Cut blow away the already fine first version"
"the new overall tone just puts an even stronger emphasis on each of the Expendables themselves. (Especially love Dolph Lundgren’s work here!)"
- Starpulse

So you thought the last Stallone outing was already a decent guns and ammo treat? Well then feast your eyes on the upgrade via the new "The Expendables: Extended Director’s Cut" out Dec. 13 from L...

понеділок, 5 грудня 2011 р.


фільми українською онлайн bomOK.org.ua - Це програми, ігри, фільми, новини і багато чого іншого
                                  THE MINION / FALLEN KNIGHT
"1997 - Montreal. Another movie with a religious motif, similar to "Johnny Mnemonic". In this case my character was a Knight of Malta, who is in the pursuit of this key that can unlock the door to hell. So its a bit of a horror movie.

It was interesting to do research on the character, there are a couple of Greek-Orthodox churches in New York, and the character is from Malta, where the churches are Greek-Orthodox. I got to meet with a lot of priests, trying somehow to sort of merge an action character with a priest. It wasn't easy, but I hope at least the action part was good.

One of the stunt guys, an American Mohawk Indian took me to an Indian Reservation where we went surfing, diving and played with his pet wolves."



                                                   THE PEACEKEEPER